Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Co-washes that actually CLEANSE

Co-washing is known in the online haircare community as washing your hair with a conditioner instead of shampoo. This is typically done to avoid the harsh surfactants in shampoos that can strip the hair and leave it frizzy and dry. Co-washing was especially popular before the boom of natural hair products formulated to keep moisture in natural and curly hair types. 

I personally do not cowash because I am concerned about the lack of surfactants (cleansing ingredients) in these cowashes. Most of them leave my hair feeling worse than before I used them. That aside, these companies are quick with their responses to the online haircare community. Now, many of these co-washes contain actual surfactants. These products are more like gentle shampoos than conditioners.

Check out my Kit to see some of these co-washes.

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